sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011

When we kill this dictatorship of fakeness

Seems like that the society is far more stupid then we thought. Kadafi is the trend of the moment, as Sadam was and Bin Laden was too. Incredible how the former friend of soo many european countries and USA now is their puppet in the never ending mediatic show. Kadafi was a hardcore dictator. I won`t denny he was killed first by himself and then the years of oppresing goverment, after math tell us that maybe Libia will be a better place.

What makes my brain ache is the conciense of the majority in this society, Kadafi. Have we forgotten the 9 years war in Iraq? Apparentily the economy has forgotten, after this week of rises. Incredible how the enconomy can show us how fucked up we are. People really think that Kadafi been killed in a country which they didn`t even know that existed is good. Please, that`s more fake then Lindsay Lohan rehab.

There`s nothing left to say, again we are surprissed by ourselves. People please start to use your senses into something more usefull. With this conciense maybe humanity can start another medievel period within 100 years.

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