It is important to expend this community to other places. Thinking about that I`ve decided to now write in English, and I wish that most people, from different countries may stumble I`m the Fraternitatis texts. The blog has been quite muted for some months and that`s due to the fact I was changing countries, from my former home in Brazil to the Netherlands nowadays.
In the near future you can expect some new writers here such as a friend of mine from Germany, a good folk that thinks about the right and duties of everyone as clear as the Fraternitatis does. I hope we can sum up ideas and information to everybody out there looking our trying to find something really special.
The Fraternitatis is always open for others people texts so, if you want to send me a text I can publish it here. Please keep in mind to send the subject as Fraternitatis Text.
For the rest I wish a fantastic future to everybody in the ideas of freedom of the Fratenitatis!
Unitas, Concordia, Individualitatis.
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